Information about Phuong Trang bus to Phu Yen

Information about Phuong Trang bus to Phu Yen

There are currently many modes of transportation to choose from when visiting Phu Yen, one of which is the Phuong Trang bus to Phu Yen – this is one of the vehicles chosen by many people. While those who live far away can travel by plane or train, those who live close to Phu Yen will prefer passenger cars and sleeper buses. As a result, Phuong Trang bus to Phu Yen is a car company that many people prefer nowadays. So, what should you know before selecting this bus company for your trip to Phu Yen? To find out the answer, read the following article.

General information about Phuong Trang to Phu Yen bus

Despite arriving in Phu Yen later than other bus companies, Phuong Trang bus company is always a major competitor of passenger transport companies, offering the best service quality and coverage in the country. Currently, the Phuong Trang to Phu Yen bus has been in service for nearly 5 years, with both directions serving Phu Yen – Saigon and vice versa. With frequent trips and excellent service, many passengers prefer the Phuong Trang to Phu Yen bus whenever they travel here.

The company always strives to reduce management and operating costs in order to provide customers with the most favorable and reasonable pricing policy. The vehicle operator, on the other hand, is constantly improving after-sales services to ensure the best possible benefits for customers.

With the image of a modern and comfortable 45-seat orange car with the dark green shirt of Phuong Trang’s team of drivers, they have traveled most of the country. Up to now, the company has more than 200 45-seat passenger cars of the highest-class Hyundai brand for fixed routes.

The following is the contact information for the Phuong Trang bus operator:

  • Phone number: 0257.3812.812
  • Phu Yen Office: 77 Le Loi, Ward3, Tuy Hoa City, Phu Yen & 507 Nguyen Van Linh, Phu Lam Ward, Tuy Hoa City, Phu Yen
  • Office in Saigon: Mien Dong Bus Station: 292 Dinh Bo Linh, Ward 26, Binh Thanh District & – Pham Ngu Lao Bus Station: 272 De Tham, Pham Ngu Lao, District 1, HCM.

Not only that, but the Phuong Trang garage accepts freight in addition to passengers. This gives passengers more options when using the service here.

Why should you take the bus from Phuong Trang to Phu Yen?

When passengers want to travel to Phu Yen, Phuong Trang bus is always the first choice. Due to the following factors:

– To meet the needs of customers, Phuong Trang garage has a full range of passenger cars and sleeper buses.

– Phuong Trang employs over 7,000 people and transports over 20 million passengers per year. This demonstrates the company’s superior service quality.

– Customers’ entertainment needs are met by a fully equipped car that includes a reclining chair, a bed, wifi, an air conditioner, a large screen TV, and other amenities.

– Driver team that is professional, skilled, enthusiastic, and friendly. 

– Do not cram guests, only provide enough seats for them, and refuse to increase ticket prices every Tet holiday.

– Phuong Trang bus company always has a team of technicians to check the quality of the car before each bus trip to ensure absolute safety for every trip.

– In addition to booking tickets directly, you can easily and conveniently book Phuong Trang bus tickets online.

– Pick up guests on time.

– Quality and service: Phuong Trang garage wish to provide customers with the best service experience possible, with a team of enthusiastic and attentive guides, a team of safe drivers, and a wealth of experience. Especially “say no to pickpocketing,” which is a common occurrence when traveling by bus. The professionalism of the service staff is evident immediately upon boarding the bus.

– High-quality standards must be met: the equipment is complete and up to date, and the seats always are in good condition to ensure comfort and smooth operation. Another thing is that the air inside the car has not had a bad odor and that the air conditioner is adequate. Phuong Trang maintains a comfortable and alert environment, especially when traveling long distances.

Some notes when choosing Phuong Trang bus to Phu Yen

When selecting a Phuong Trang to Phu Yen bus, keep the following in mind for a truly convenient and perfect journey:

Route of the vehicle

With a distance of approximately 535 kilometers, the Phuong Trang car takes approximately 12 hours to travel from Phu Yen to Ho Chi Minh and vice versa. The bus route will pass through Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan, and Dong Nai, all of which have well-known tourist attractions. As a result, you should think about visiting these places to round out your trip. The travel time will be reduced if you take the night bus. Because the road is less congested at night. 

Which seat should you take?

The seats in the Phuong Trang car’s A range are the best positions because you will be less swayed while sitting in these seats. Seats A4 to A12, in particular, are thought to be the best.

What time should you leave from Ho Chi Minh City to Phu Yen?

To be able to travel to Phu Yen the next morning, choose a bus that departs between 7-8 p.m. The night buses are usually faster, and arriving in Phu Yen in the morning allows you to settle in and rest before exploring this land. Palm Beach Hotel, in particular, is the first choice for an ideal stopover.


Above is some information about when choosing the Phuong Trang car to travel to Phu Yen. I hope you now have a better understanding of your Phu Yen travel luggage. Remember to contact Palm Beach Hotel if you want to find a high-class, luxurious but affordable stopover in harmony with nature while visiting beloved Phu Yen.